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来源:石家庄奥数网整理      2011-12-06 09:22:39



  A girl may pass easily through the first grades.While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may get easily good grades.Girls seem to have“better brains”in school.Why do so few girls become scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult(成人) world done by men?

  According to(根据) scientists,the answer is aggression(敌对行为)。Boys usually refuse to accept other people's conclusion(结论)。They insist on solving problems by themselves.while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in their own ways.Boys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early age.

  41.Girls get better marks at school than boys because _________.

  A.boys are lazier

  B.girls are better at remembering things than boys

  C.girls are cleverer than boys

  D.teachers care more for girls than for boys

  42.There are so few women scientists because __________.

  A.boys are cleverer than girls

  B.girls are less cared for

  C.girls are lazier

  D.few of them are trained to be aggressive

  43.According to the scientists,__________.

  A.boys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering things

  B.boys Can easily get food jobs while girls can't

  C.girls insist on doing things on their own

  D.the nature of the boys and girls is the same.but their education is different

  44.In the view of the writer,__________.

  A.girls have better brains

  B.boys have better brains

  C.neither boys nor girls have better brains

  D.usually great scientists are men and most important things are done by men

  45.Which of the following is right?

  A.Boys are cleverer in school.

  B.Girls are cleverer at an early age.

  C.Boys and girls have good points in different ways.

  D.Boys have good points only when they enter the adult world


  Answer the questions according to the poster at the next page.

  46.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

  A.Five      B.Six       C.Seven

  47.A child under 12 Can go to the zoo __________.

  A.with a ticket of $1.00   B.with a ticket of $2.00    C.freely

  48.Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one aged 14 and the other 10,how much are the tickets together?

  A.$2.00     B.$3.00        C.$4.00

  49.Which of the following is the visiting time?

  A.8:00 a.m. Monday.

  B.9:30 a.m.Friday.

  C.3:00 P.m.Sunday.

  50.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

  A.To give some food to the fish.

  B.To take a few nice photos.

  C.To throw things at animals.

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